Remote Laboratory Experiments

The basic principle of remote lab experiments is to control different equipment and systems remotely via the internet by using modern web technology that enables a browser to be used as a remote operation platform. In modern-day applications where digitalisation plays a dominant role, communication between equipment via the internet is becoming ever more vital.

Networked equipment is a cornerstone for areas such as Industry 4.0, remote maintenance and the Internet of Things. The importance of this interconnectedness is clear to see in lab experiments carried out via the internet.  Experiments focusing on robotics, factory automation and control engineering are being developed as part of the project. The practical modules are a crucial and compulsory part of the curriculum at both universities.  

The experiments are carried out using real-life systems that are available 24/7 in the laboratories at Reutlingen University in Germany and the NTU Dnipro Polytechnic in the Ukraine. Students can view the systems via interactive webcams to help them visualise their applications. Authorised users can carry out telematic applications at any time and anywhere – all they need is a device connected to the internet, such as a laptop, desktop PC, or smartphone.

Access Experiments


Laboratory Infrastructure